Justin Bieber's Signature 'Do Is Starting To Resemble A Cockatoo
Posted on Tue Aug 19th, 2014 1:00pm PDT By X17 Staff

Bed head much?
Justin Bieber and pal Lil' Za headed out for an early morning hike in L.A. today with an entourage of bodyguards, and the singer looked like he had just rolled out of the sack because his hair was disheveled and sticking straight up! Clearly the Biebs knew it wasn't a good day for his 'do because he kept fussing with it and trying to get it to behave.
We almost thought JB was sporting a George Michael-esque dangly cross earring, but upon closer inspection we realized it was simply his neck tattoo. He might want to think before getting inked next time! The Canadian crooner has certainly been on a fitness kick recently, and judging by the looks of his muscles in that wife beater, his exercise regime is paying off!
Basically what we're saying is that he looks sexy no matter what he does!
SEE THE GALLERY Justin Bieber Goes On A Hike