We're surprised she was able to keep her mouth shut for so long!

Kim Kardashian just launched her new website, and what better way to get publicity for it than discussing her stepfather Caitlyn Jenner's gender identity struggle!

The reality star penned an essay on how she discovered the Olympian's cross-dressing tendencies and kept it a secret for over 13 years.
    "My mom was out of town with my little sisters, visiting my grandmother in San Diego, and I was living with her and Bruce at the time in Calabasas. I came home from a friend's house and walked into the garage and Bruce was there, dressed up as a woman. Heels, wig, makeup and all! I don't remember specifically what he had on because I put my head down and ran into my bedroom. Had I not overheard my dad and his friends discussing rumors that Bruce would dress up as a woman years before (when I was about 11 years old), I never would have believed what I was seeing. I thought my dad was jealous of my mom's new husband, that he was joking with his friends on the phone, but suddenly I knew it was all true," Kim writes.

Kimmy K goes on to reveal how she was so startled by the incident that she ran off to sister Kourtney's house, where they searched for research on what it meant to desire to dress in women's clothing.
    "For over a decade, we assumed he was a cross-dresser, not transgender. So I kept the secret and didn't tell anyone other than Kourtney. We did not tell my mom, either. I'm not sure why I didn't tell my mom. I guess I thought it would break up her marriage, and Kendall and Kylie were so young, ... I just felt so bad. I literally tuned it out for over a decade and never even really thought about it."

Years later, the 34-year-old revisited the subject with Bruce after he called to discuss what she had seen.
    "I happily met with him at my home and he explained to me that he always felt he was trapped in the wrong body. He said he was going to therapy and had dealt with it. I walked away from this talk maybe understanding Bruce a little bit better as to why he did a lot of solo sports and spent a lot of time alone, because he didn't really connect with many people – but I never walked away thinking he was a different gender," she continues. "Maybe it wasn't explained well enough to me or maybe Bruce still wasn't sure and didn't know how to communicate what he felt. We went another half decade living life as usual."

So how does she feel about Bruce living her authentic life as Caitlyn now?
    "Is it weird for me? Yes, this person has been my stepdad for half my life," she admits. "But life is just about being happy – that's the one common denominator that everyone can understand. If you aren't able to be you, who can you be?"

We're shocked that image obsessed Kim is so chill about everything!