UPDATE - Kim's Bodyguard Filed For Bankruptcy Before Robbery ... Could New Security Video ID The Intruders?
Posted on Wed Oct 5th, 2016 2:30pm PDT By X17 Staff

Well this is an interesting twist of events … Kim Kardashian's bodyguard, Pascal Duvier, filed for bankruptcy for his German security company a mere ten weeks ago. Apparently with debts amounting to more than $1million, according to DailyMail.
Duvier, 43, was in a Paris nightclub L'Arc with Kendall and Kourtney when Kim was taken hostage and robbed after five armed men broke into her hotel room while she slept alone.
In July, Duvier lodged a claim for company insolvency (aka bankruptcy) at Heidelberg administrative court in Germany.
His German security firm, ProtectSecurity, has helped protect a slew of stars, including Kim's husband Kanye West, the Black Eyed Peas and more, but has debts to the Black Eyed Peas, has racked up debts totaling around $1,226,205.
The insolvency lawyer on the case told DailyMail: "There is so much debt. There are many claimants. I cannot say the exact number. Lots."
The outlet also reports that after being alerted by Kiim's bestie Simone Harouche, the bodyguard arrived at Kim's room two minutes after the armed men escaped on bicycles with $11 million of money and goods.
Duvier has vowed to track down the attackers, despite facing criticism that this attack was his fault since he failed to secure Kim's room.
Apparently Kim has told friend she does not blame her steadfast protector, and there has been no suggestion Duvier had any involvement in the crime, nor is he under suspicion.
Apparently after being alerted by a text message from Kim's best friend Simone Harouche, Duvier arrived at the flat two minutes after the gangsters escaped on bicycles with millions worth of jewelry.
Duvier, who has vowed to track down the attackers, has faced claims he left the star exposed by failing to secure Kim's location.
Kim has reportedly told friends that she does not blame him for the crime. There is no suggestion Duvier had any involvement or that he is under any suspicion.Â
Meanwhile, the robbers who stole Kim's pricey jewelry were reportedly caught on CCTV as they crept past a sleeping guard at the hotel.
At first it was believed that the armed men had avoided a police camera, which was on the block, and that none of the local businesses had footage either, however, it seems as though there's "million-to-one" image that a CCTV camera facing a mirror caught of their getaway, according to the The Sun.
French police have now seized the footage from the Bel Ange nail salon, which is on the same street as the robbery. We want to see what's on that footage!