Evan Rachel Wood Reveals She's Bixexual
Posted on Mon Apr 18th, 2011 3:05pm PDT By X17 Staff

Evan Rachel Wood doesn't discriminate against potential suitors on the basis of gender.
"[I want to] meet a nice guy, [or] a nice girl," the Mildred Pierce actress reveals to Esquire Magazine.
Of her relationship with women, Wood says, "I'm more kind of like the guy when it comes to girls. I'm the dominant one. I'm opening the doors, I'm buying dinner. Yeah, I'm romantic." What girl wouldn't love that?
But her foray into bi-ville is nothing new.
"I was always into very androgynous things. Guys, girls...I'm into androgyny in general," Wood, who was once engaged to shock rocker Marilyn Manson, continued. "I think one of the things that freaked people out so much is that we [she and Manson] looked so different."
But don't try to label her just yet.
"I'm constantly changing, I'm constantly growing. I think I'm a little controversial? ... I just try and keep some mystery, so hopefully people can't really put their finger on it."
Check out another sexy snap from the Esquire shoot ... after the jump.
