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We got the scoop from an inside source who said that Paris Hilton left Teddy's (and Matt Leinart) late Wednesday night for Les Deux, where Britney was partying with friends. Now normally, this wouldn't be anything unusual for the club-hopping Paris, but apparently, Paris isn't friends with the Wednesday night Les Deux promoters and "wouldn't be caught dead" there on a Wednesday! So are they friends on the DL because of all the backlash Britney got for hanging with Princess P? Or was Paris, who once dated the Cardinals quarterback (who was also spotted out with Britney during her recent visit to Scottsdale), looking to confront her former pal over the Leinart rumors? But wait! There's more! Both women were seen at the same club last night...stay tuned for pix and video on that coming soon!

More pix of Britney at Les Deux inside: