Keira Knightley Posts

Keira Balks At Having A Bigger Bust

July 29, 2008... Keira Knightley is an A-cup... and she likes it! ABC News reports that the actress is upset over having her breasts digitally enhanced in publicity photos for The Dutchess, her latest period piece. And this isn't the first time the British...

And the Golden Globe Nominees Are...

December 13, 2007... It's the end of the year, which to most of us means stuffing your face with as much booze and junk food as you possibly can, but to Hollywood, it means award season has officially begun! Thursday morning the...

The Adventures Of Keira Knightley's Jaw Face

December 10, 2007... We know it might be hard to believe, but these are actually all different facial expressions from our favorite actress, Keira Knightley. Now don't get me wrong, the girl is gorgeous - admit it. And she's actually a decent actress...

Keira Doesn't Like "Being Raped By Sugar"

November 06, 2007... Good to know! Atonement star Keira Knightley discusses sex, moodiness and cuteness in December's Elle magazine. The actress claims to be "a moody bastard" that has "always hated cutesy" (her mom "used to ban the word cute"). And do ya...

You Look Good When You Wear It Well

September 02, 2007... Labor Day weekend is exactly what its name implies: A weekend when you shouldn't be doing any labor. And fortunately for us regular people, we can look any way we want when having fun. But for the irregulars - er,...

Taking Keira Business

August 31, 2007... Predictably enough, George Clooney was hardly the only high-profile star our photogs caught at Venice - a little while later, our guys spotted Keira Knightley! Or, perhaps we should say they caught her twice - once as the slender starlet...
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