Kelly Osbourne Posts

Sharon & Kelly Spread the Love on Robertson Blvd.

March 05, 2007... Sharon and Kelly Osbourne delighted shop owners, passerby and candy salesman on trendy Robertson Blvd. on Saturday. After dropping some dough at American Apparel, Kelly gave two boys selling candy $100 each! Then Sharon gave her best wishes...

Kelly Osbourne Celebrates Purim?

March 04, 2007... This is either a really great Purim costume or a failed attempt at fashion. But I still like the Osbournes -- Sharon's got such spunk, which Kelly has inherited, and the woman's done damn well making her family rich!...

X17 Rewind - Odds 'n Sods

December 22, 2006... With the end of the year rolling around, the clock's running out on our chance to post some of our favorite pictures - so we just figured "why not?" and threw a bunch of 'em together here! -- Introducing X17...
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