Ben Affleck And Ana De Armas Buy Flowers Before Attending Breonna Taylor Memorial

Posted on Mon Jun 8th, 2020 10:23am PDT       By X17 Staff

Ben Affleck and girlfriend Ana de Armas headed to the market in Los Angeles to pick up flowers before attending a memorial for Breonna Taylor.

The couple are accompanied by Ben's 14-year-old daughter Violet, who's already taller than his girlfriend!


Ben Affleck's Girlfriend Ana De Armas Is Having A BLAST Bonding With His Children

Posted on Sat Jun 6th, 2020 9:00am PDT       By X17 Staff

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner's kids LOVE his girlfriend Ana de Armas! So much so that they made a life-size cut-out of the actress and surprised her with it, on Friday. As Ana, Violet, and Samuel raced toward Ben's house, after riding bikes and playing in the street, the trio laughed in anticipation of the the big reveal. Watch!


Lea Michele Is SLAMMED Following Apology For Mistreatment Of Castmates

Posted on Thu Jun 4th, 2020 9:45am PDT       By X17 Staff

It all began when Glee alum Lea Michele posted what many felt was a very hollow #blacklivesmatter Tweet in honor of George Floyd. The 33-year-old was immediately called out by former co-star Samantha Marie Ware, who claims Michele made her life "a living hell" and tormented her throughout their time together on Glee.

Ware was FAR from the only cast member to issue complaints. Several actors found the courage to speak up and address the past mistreatment they've also felt at the hands of Michele by airing their grievances on Twitter for the world to see.

It doesn't end there! 33-year-old Dancing With The Stars alum Heather Morris added herself to the list of disgruntled former co-stars and eviscerated Michele while describing her own personal experiences with the star.

The California native wrote:
    "Let me be very clear, hate is a disease in America that we are trying to cure, so I would never wish for hate to be spread on anyone else. With that said, was she unpleasant to work with? Very much so; for Lea to treat others with the disrespect that she did for as long as she did, I believe she SHOULD be called out."

As Ware's post went viral with over 497,000 likes and 108,700 retweets, Michele finally issued a formal apology to past castmates through Instagram, which of course was also met an overwhelmingly negative response.

Even after the apology, Ware still wasn't having it and clapped back with a Tweet challenging Michele to donate to a fundraiser for the family of James Scurlock, who was shot and killed May 30 in Omaha while protesting George Floyd and Breonna Taylor's deaths.

In the wake of Michele's insensitivity and revelations of past behavior, she's lost a MAJOR sponsorship with meal delivery service, Hello Fresh, who Tweeted the following:


Brandi Glanville Has RHOBH Co-Stars In Awe When Detailing Hookup With Denise Richards

Posted on Thu Jun 4th, 2020 9:40am PDT       By X17 Staff

Oooh boy! Brandi Glanville is pulling no punches when dishing the dirty details on her alleged past hookups with Real Housewives of Beverly Hills co-star, Denise Richards.

The pair have been at odds since January when Glanville hinted and she Richards were involved in a sexual relationship. Though Richards has denied the allegations from the start, Glanville's pals say they've "hooked up on more than one occasion." In response to Richards' denial of the affair, Glanville is urged her to take a lie detector test. That's something we'd definitely PAY to see!

In the show's midseason trailer, Brandi sits down with the girls for a little gossip sesh and shockingly proclaims, "Denise and [husband] Aaron [Phypers] have this whole open thing. I f**ked her, woke up the next morning... she said, ‘Aaron can never know this. He’ll kill me!'"

When Richards caught wind of Brandi's revelations she confronted the girls with eyes full of tears. Appearing to be totally caught off guard by the accusations, she shrieked, "What the f**k?! That is not true!" As several of the Housewives began taking sides, Dorit Kemsley immediately came to Richards' defense, telling the girls, "I believe Denise!"

Richards even called out a fan on Instagram who insisted she and Phyphers had an open marriage, stating, "absolutely not. 100% monogamous my friend."

As the trailer continues Richards can be seen pleading with show producers. Stating, "Please do not air this. It's very bad. Bravo has a choice. If they ever want me to be on the show, they need to cut that!" We hope Bravo does the right thing and uncovers all the dirty laundry! It looks like the rest of season 10 is going to be a BLAST. Better get your popcorn ready!


Meghan Markle Delivers Tribute To George Floyd During Commencement Speech

Posted on Thu Jun 4th, 2020 7:42am PDT       By X17 Staff

Meghan Markle has refused to stay silent in the wake of the tragic killing of George Floyd. The Duchess of Sussex used her platform to pay tribute to Floyd as she addressed her Alma Mater in a surprise commencement speech.

Markle poignantly told Immaculate Heart High School’s 2020 class:
    “For the past couple of weeks, I've been planning on saying a few words to you for your graduation, and as we've all seen over the last week, what is happening in our country and in our state and in our hometown of L.A. has been absolutely devastating.

    I wasn’t sure what I could say to you. I wanted to say the right thing. And I was really nervous that I wouldn’t or that it would get picked apart, and I realized — the only wrong thing to say is to say nothing. Because George Floyd’s life mattered and Breonna Taylor's life mattered and Philando Castile’s life mattered and Tamir Rice's life mattered, and so did so many other people whose names we know and whose names we do not know. Stephon Clark, his life mattered."

Markle also used the opportunity to reflect on her harrowing memories of the 1992 riots following the infamous Rodney King beating.
    "I'm so sorry that you have to grow up in a world where this is still present. I was 11 or 12 years old... it was the L.A. riots which was also triggered by a senseless act of racism. And I remember the curfew, and I remember rushing back home and seeing ash fall from the sky and smelling the smoke... and I remember seeing men in the back of a van holding guns and rifles. Those memories don't go away."

Markle went on to state that one positive thing to spawn from the riots is uniformity between citizens: "We are seeing people stand in solidarity, we are seeing communities come together and to uplift. And you are going to be part of this movement."

George Floyd was killed by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin killed May 25 at the age of 46. Chauvin, who has been charged with with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, was seen on video pressing his knee into the back of Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes. Three other officers involved in the incident were eventually charged with aiding and abetting murder.

A plethora of celebrities have addressed the incident, including, Taylor Swift, Cardi B, Beyonce, Kelly Rowland, Miguel and many more.

Following Floyd's death, protests have taken place in all 50 states, with some morphing into violent riots, clashes with police, and looting.


Police Officers Get Rowdy With Peaceful Protesters In Santa Monica

Posted on Wed Jun 3rd, 2020 9:23am PDT       By X17 Staff

Citizens took to the streets of Santa Monica and Venice following the tragic passing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless other African Americans. What started as a peaceful protest turned rowdy when police officers began shoving citizens to the ground as the 2pm curfew approached. A videographer was pushed and stumbled onto the asphalt and arrested as he attempted to show his press pass to police. He was then treated for his injuries on the scene once an ambulance arrived.

And check this out ... OUR videographer was shoved to the ground!


Justin Bieber And Hailey Baldwin Discuss Privilege In The Wake Of George Floyd's Death

Posted on Tue Jun 2nd, 2020 1:00pm PDT       By X17 Staff

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin refuse to sit on the sidelines and joined the discussion of privilege and racism in America.

On Sunday, the couple sat down with CNN commentator Angela Rye for a harrowing video chat in the wake of the tragic killing of George Floyd. The group discussed the current state of affairs as protests, riots, and violence continue to spread across the country. Justin and Hailey went opened up on how their experiences in life were likely much different than people of color, and the privileges they feel they've been awarded for being white.

Hailey captioned the video:
    "As a white woman, I know I am privileged, and I didn’t always understand what that really meant. I will never understand what it’s like to be racially profiled and targeted and wake up everyday uncertain if I could lose my life because of the color of my skin."

    "'Through this conversation with Angela I really just wanted to learn, to ask questions even if I thought they were the wrong question. I want to know better so I can do better and I will not stop asking these questions and having these conversations."

    "I want to keep learning how to be an ally, and I refuse to keep walking through life being ignorant"

Hailey went on to discuss what white privilege means to her and expressed a desire to further educate herself on the matter:
    "From what I know and what I've seen, it's first and foremost just people getting treated different and getting ahead of other people faster because of the color of their skin, because they're white."

    "'It's very obvious even when you're traveling in airports, I feel like people get profiled. To me it's really blatant."

    "I want to keep learning how to be an ally, and I refuse to keep walking through life being ignorant"

After discussing how the duo and their future offspring could become allies for people of color, Justin confessed, "I've been feeling shame in the sense of like, why did it take these men being killed for me to almost take a blanket over my eyes. Why now? I do feel bad when it comes to that." Justin went on to discuss the couple's strong Christian faith and how they feel Jesus has the power to change hate within our hearts.

On Thursday, Hailey posted this touching tribute and heartfelt caption in honor of Floyd and his family.

View this post on Instagram

It’s heartbreaking that we’re honoring yet another life that was lost due to the violence and racism our country displays far too often. To say that racism is alive today would be a gross understatement, and to say that white privilege doesn’t exist is ignorance at its finest. We live in a country that denies the same freedom and rights to someone based on the color of their skin... black men, women and children are being MURDERED because of the color of their skin while white men, women and children majority of the time receive a slap on the wrist at best. I am tired, I’m angry, I’m sad, and I will not stay quiet. Changes need to be made, and people need to be behind bars for their actions.. Rest In Peace George Floyd.

A post shared by Hailey Baldwin Bieber (@haileybieber) on

Justin has been taking his mind of our nation's racial tension by shaking the dust off his basketball game. Bieber was seen decompressing over the weekend by shooting hoops in front of his Beverly Hills home.


DDG Participates In Peaceful Protest Before Looters Wreak Havoc On The City

Posted on Tue Jun 2nd, 2020 12:00pm PDT       By X17 Staff

Protests continue to rage across the entire country as citizens fight for justice in George Floyd's unlawful killing at the hands of the Minneapolis PD. Among the thousands of protesters in Los Angeles was popular YouTuber DDG. The 22-year-old star is asked what he thinks will solve the ongoing issue of police brutality and says, "I think we should just keep protesting. We're gonna be a better country after this. The looting is a little much but I feel them. They're mad. They're angry."

As nightfall came, the protests once again turned violent, leading to fires, looting, and multiple deaths across the country. Many stores across the city were destroyed, including Adidas and luxury sneaker store Flight Club.

On Saturday, California Governor Gavin Newsom called in the National Guard to patrol the streets of Los Angeles as tension between protesters and police continued to rise. The conflict between citizens and police lead to many being sprayed with tear gas and shot with rubber bullets.


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