Report: J.Lo And A-Rod Are Moving In Together!

Posted on Thu Oct 19th, 2017 9:00am PDT       By X17 Staff

This is a big step!

J.Lo and A-Rod are planning on moving in together, Us Weekly reports. The two began dating in February, but things have really moved quickly, and we wouldn't be surprised if they're engaged by Christmas.

"Jennifer’s place in New York is on the market. Jennifer and Alex are looking at getting a place together in NYC and I think they are looking to buy," a source dished to the mag.

The couple isn't just blending their home lives, though.

“[Moving in] isn’t the only thing they are looking to do together. They are also looking at businesses they can invest in together," the source added.

Jenny from the Block feels that she has hit a home run with the baseball legend.

"Jennifer is truly the happiest she has ever been. They really just complement each other and make each other better people. She thinks the world of Alex and is very excited about their future together. They are equally passionate about different causes and charities. Jennifer has been upset about the Puerto Rico situation. She knew she had to help. Alex has been very supportive and encouraging. They are similar in that they are the embodiment of working towards your dreams," another source told People.

Sounds like J.Rod is in it for the long haul!


Kim, Kourtney, And Kris Sex It Up For Some Christmas Shopping

Posted on Thu Oct 19th, 2017 8:15am PDT       By X17 Staff

Don't we all wear these kinds of outfits on errand runs?!

Kim, Kourtney and Kris got all dolled up to film a Christmas decoration shopping session for their reality show yesterday, and they're certainly getting a jump on the holiday season! Kourt donned a sheer shirt and knee high boots, Kimmy went for a brown leggings and cami combo, and the momager hopped on the sweatsuit and booties trend.

They doesn't seem too worried about the fact that Blac Chyna is trying to sue the entire family, but why would they be? They've got the best lawyers in town, and BC is just a bottom feeder trying to claw her way to the top.

"They knew it was coming. They didn’t know that everyone in the family would be named in the suit, but it’s still not shocking news. This is how they know Chyna — she is dramatic and will do everything to still be attached to the Kardashian name," a source dished to People.

"But this is why they warned Rob to get involved with Chyna in the first place. They warned him that she is nonstop drama, and they were right. They are sad for Dream that her mom behaves like this. They don’t think Rob is perfect in any way, but they think Chyna is beyond bad. They just want the drama to stop. They all love Dream and are very protective of her," the source added.

We asked the K clan matriarch about the legal drama with Rob's baby mama, and here's what she had to say!


EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS - Ben Affleck Gifted A Pet Pooch On What A Source Tells Us Is His Final Day In Rehab

Posted on Wed Oct 18th, 2017 1:55pm PDT       By X17 Staff

This is some unconventional therapy!

Ben Affleck left his buddhist rehab center this afternoon on what a source tells us is his last day, and the actor was gifted a brand new husky puppy! We have a feeling the pooch is meant to be an emotional support dog, and a responsibility that keeps the actor sober and on the right track. You'd think having three kids would cover those bases, but we guess not!

Typically, people seeking recovery get treatment for at least 28 days, but the Oscar winner has barely been going to this place for a month. We know he's got a busy life he needs to get back to, but we hope he doesn't backslide without the structure of a program.

His girlfriend Lindsay Shookus is prepared to make some lifestyle changes herself to make the Batman star's sobriety go smoothly.

A source tells X17:
    "Lindsay realizes that drinking around Ben is not a good idea. She's not going to be completely sober necessarily, but she's not going to drink when they're spending time together. It's not worth it to her. She doesn't want him to be tempted, and she doesn't want to be blamed if he relapses. She wants to be known as a good influence on him."

The Boston hunk is taking everything in stride!


Demi Lovato Shares Before-And-After Photos Of Her Eating Disorder Recovery

Posted on Wed Oct 18th, 2017 1:05pm PDT       By X17 Staff

She's certainly come a long way!

Demi Lovato shared a before-and-after pic to document her recovery from an eating disorder on Instagram today, and although the singer has made great strides in her battle with bulimia, she admitted in her new documentary Simply Complicated that she's had her slip ups with the disease.

"When I was in a relationship with Wilmer I went three years without purging and when we broke up that’s one of the first things I did. The less I have to think about food, the easier it is to go about having a normal life and I don’t want to let anybody down so when I do have moments when I slip up, I feel very ashamed. What started the relapse was missing Wilmer. And when I feel lonely my heart feels hungry and I end up binging,” she told her manager Phil McIntyre in one scene.

"Food is still the biggest challenge in my life and it controls — I don’t want to give it the power to say it controls my every thought, but it’s something that I’m constantly thinking about. Body image, what I’m going to eat next, what I wish I could be eating, what I wish I didn’t eat. It’s just constant. Like I get envious toward people that don’t struggle with an eating disorder just because I feel like my life would be so much easier," she confessed.

The songstress' longtime pal Selena Gomez couldn't be prouder of her for sharing her story, and she took to social media to congratulate her on her doc.

"You always continue to [be] bold and real. I wish more people were like you. Love you," Gomez wrote. "Thank you so much, this means the world to me and more. Love you too," Lovato responded.

She certainly has become a role model!


EXCLUSIVE - Ben Affleck's Girlfriend Lindsay Shookus Supports Him At Rehab

Posted on Wed Oct 18th, 2017 12:05pm PDT       By X17 Staff

It's not like she has a choice, though.

Ben Affleck showed up for his daily dose of outpatient rehab this morning, and he brought along girlfriend Lindsay Shookus for support. The two have been spending less time together lately as the actor works on his sobriety and hangs with his kids, but they clearly can't stay away from each other for long. According to an X17 source, today is Ben's last day of treatment, though. That was quick!

A source tells X17:
    "Ben has been focusing on his recovery, but he didn't want his relationship to suffer because of that, so he told Lindsay to fly out to LA to spend some time with him. She had been in NYC, but anytime he calls, she runs right to his side. He definitely calls the shots, but Lindsay will do whatever it takes to make their romance work. She wants them to get married eventually, so she knows she has to be flexible as he works on getting better."

X17 exclusively reported that the Oscar winner was forced back into treatment by Jen Garner as a condition of seeing their three kids, but Jen isn't budging when it comes to her stance on him introducing the children to his new lady love.

"Jen has made it very clear that Lindsay isn't allowed around the kids. She thinks they've already been through enough with the split, and they don't need the added confusion of meeting the woman who broke up their parents' marriage. She also just doesn't want those kinds of pics splashed on the cover of every major magazine," a source tells us.

Lindsay better hope this ends in an engagement, because she's sacrificing a lot!


Wanna Hear What Nicole Scherzinger Has To Say About Those Pussycat Doll Prostitution Ring Claims?

Posted on Wed Oct 18th, 2017 11:05am PDT       By X17 Staff

Nor should she!

Nicole Scherzinger was pepped with questions about whether the Pussycat Dolls was a front for a prostitution ring as she left Craig's in Hollywood last night, but the singer didn't feel it was necessary to even comment. Ex-bandmate Kaya Jones, who quit the girl group in 2005, recently claimed that the members of Pussycat Dolls were regularly abused by older music executives, but they deny it all.

"The Pussycat Dolls has always and will always stand for female empowerment and sisterhood. We stand in solidarity with all women who have bravely spoken publicly of their horrific experiences of abuse, harassment and exploitation. However, we cannot stand behind false allegations towards other group members partaking in activities that simply did not take place," they wrote in a statement.

"To liken our professional roles in The Pussycat Dolls to a prostitution ring not only undermines everything we worked hard to achieve for all those years but also takes the spotlight off the millions of victims who are speaking up and being heard loud and clear around the world. While we were not aware of Kaya’s experiences that allegedly took place during her short time working with us, before the group signed a recording contract, we can firmly testify that we were not privy to any misconduct taking place around us. If Kaya experienced something we are unaware of then we fully encourage her to get the help she needs and are here to support her," they continued.

"Since its inception, The Pussycat Dolls and founder Robin Antin have supported and empowered women from all walks of life to flourish in their careers. Should any member or associate allude to any form of abuse or harassment whatsoever, it will be taken very seriously and investigated," they concluded.

There you have it! They weren't loosening up those buttons, babe!


EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS & VIDEO - Kris Jenner Dons A Blonde Wig And Gets Into A Silly String Fight With Jonathan Cheban

Posted on Wed Oct 18th, 2017 10:25am PDT       By X17 Staff

This video is so forced and awkward to watch!

Kris Jenner and Jonathan Cheban hit up Toys "R" Us for some Halloween decorations yesterday while cameras rolled for Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and the two decided to have an rehearsed impromptu silly string fight outside the store. We barely recognized the momager, as she was wearing a platinum blonde wig!

The K clan matriarch doesn't seem too worried about the fact that Blac Chyna is trying to sue the entire family, but why would she be? She's one of the most powerful women in show business, and BC is just a bottom feeder trying to claw her way to the top.

"They knew it was coming. They didn’t know that everyone in the family would be named in the suit, but it’s still not shocking news. This is how they know Chyna — she is dramatic and will do everything to still be attached to the Kardashian name," a source dished to People.

"But this is why they warned Rob to get involved with Chyna in the first place. They warned him that she is nonstop drama, and they were right. They are sad for Dream that her mom behaves like this. They don’t think Rob is perfect in any way, but they think Chyna is beyond bad. They just want the drama to stop. They all love Dream and are very protective of her," the source added.

Kris is a total boss, and nothing can get under her skin!


Marilyn Manson Slams Justin Bieber, Claims Pop Star Is In A "Sexual Religious Cult"

Posted on Wed Oct 18th, 2017 9:40am PDT       By X17 Staff

This feud just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Marilyn Manson took the opportunity to slam Justin Bieber in a recent interview, and it seems he's definitely not over their beef.

"He's in some sort of sexual religious cult with an Asian version of Dave Navarro, apparently. The guy doesn't wear a shirt ... but no, I don't like to fight with girls, so I don't want to fight with Justin Bieber," the musician said on The Scully Show.

Their bad blood began when JB used an image of Manson on his Purpose tour t-shirt merchandise.

"He was [already] wearing the shirt that had his name on my shirt, and he said to me, 'I made you relevant again.' Bad mistake to say to me. He was a real piece of sh*t in the way he had the arrogance to say that. He was a real touchy-feely guy, too, like, 'Yo yo bro!' and touches you when he's talking. I'm like, 'you need to stand down, you're d*** height on me, okay? Alright? So stand down, son,'" he explained.

It sounded like they had put the argument behind them, though, as Manson previously revealed they had texted since the incident and read aloud a message from the "Sorry" crooner.

"I thought we had a pretty pleasant interaction. Also, if anything wasn't squared away with the T-shirts, I'm so sorry. Anyway, regardless, it kind of stung seeing that I came off as an a**hole or even just was an a**hole, I'm sorry? Honestly, I totally thought we hit it off. Again, my bad. If I was an a**hole, that wasn't my intention. Just want you to know that. I don't really care about the media. I just wanted to make sure you and I were good because I like you," Bieber allegedly wrote.

"We are cool. People just made that shirt stuff into a fake feud. Let's turn it upside down and f**k the press and do something together. It will be the best. And don't apologise. You weren't an a**hole. They asked if you were and I sort of agreed. I wasn't out to get you. If not, I'll try to avoid more questions today on Stern," Manson says he wrote back.

Asked by the interviewer why he thinks the Canadian pop star keeps coming for him, Manson delivered a bizarre diss.

"I don't know, because I don't know how to use the mind of a squirrel," he quipped.

This is all so hilarious!


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