Nicole Richie NRICHIE100406_1.jpgBody language experts, give us your read on this ... The two left Coogie's restaurant in Malibu this morning at 11:30 am and they do not look too romantic. According to, Nicole dumped Brody today and according to X17, here's what she did the rest of the day:

  • 12:30 pm - dumped Brody in Malibu and headed for Beverly Hills

  • 1:00 pm - met up with Paris Hilton at the Beverly Hills Hotel for about 10 minutes

  • 1:10 pm - drove back to her dad's (Lionel) house, where she and Paris rendez-vous again

  • 1:20 pm - chatted with Paris about Brody breakup, Paris chats about Shanna bust up

  • 3:15 pm - left dad's house off to who-knows where and Paris goes shopping (see video below)