Paris Hilton PHILTONNRICHIE100806_1.jpgX17 brought the exclusive video to you last month when Paris called Nicole to wish her happy birthday -- we told our fans that the long-estranged BFFs were back together and now, here's further proof! Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie met for dinner at Dan Tana's in West Hollywood last night - and from the way the two were carrying on, you'd never guess that a rift had ever existed between them!
Unsurprisingly, the paparazzi were on hand in force to record the historic occasion - we talked with the girls (mostly Paris - some things never change) as they waited on the valets to bring their car around, and followed them both back to Paris' house. But even the sea of shutterbugs couldn't derail the reconciliation between the two Simple Life stars - they were weaving their way through the throng of photographers like old professionals!