Britney Spears BSPEARSTHUMBUP1122_1.jpgOK - so you might want to take this news with a grain of salt since nobody's reporting it except Asia News International, but according to them, now that Kevin Federline officially doesn't have a sex tape of him and Britney to peddle, he's planning to write (or at least put his name to) a book about his relationship with Britney - and it's going to contain plenty of stuff about how she used to beg him for threesomes!
But wait, there's more! While we here at X17 live for this kind of dirt, we got a little curious as to why no proper news services outside of ANI were reporting it and, in the process of googling, found this old report on Us Online about Kevin wanting a threesome with Britney and Jessica Alba! While we certainly can't blame him for that (who would?), it does give us some room to question his motivations - after all, it's one thing to make out with Madonna at the VMAs purely for spectacle, but it's something else entirely to actively declare that you're in the market for a new bed buddy!
Anyway - we've got more new pics of Britney after the jump to go with this story, so why not check 'em out and then let us know whether you think Kevin's full of crap or not?