Our last Xmas contest was such a success, we decided to hold another one right away! There are five days 'til Xmas, so let's play "Five Degrees of Katie Holmes". To win, you must connect each person on the chart to Katie Holmes in five degrees or less. Obviously, there is going to be more than one right answer for each connection, so please be specific with your answers. This one is a little more subjective, so Team X17 will judge the answers on the basis of speed and accuracy, with extra points given for creativity and tidiness (in other words, connecting Katie to Ryan Seacrest in three degrees is worth more than connecting them in four).

The winner of the "Five Degrees of Katie Holmes Contest" will win this Team X17 sweatshirt:

"Most Creative" wins a Team X17 cap:
Katie Holmes LLOHANCAP120706_2.jpg

Click inside for RULES: