
Britney Spears kevinmoves030207_1.jpg

X17 can report XCLUSIVELY that Kevin Federline went to Promises to visit his embattled ex Britney Spears early this morning - and from his conduct, we're guessing he brought Sean Preston and Jayden James along for the ride! Consider the following:

- Kevin left for Promises before 9 AM and didn't return for over two hours - could Kevin have been giving Brit plenty of time to visit with the kids?

- Kevin's driver seemed even more prepared to dodge the paparazzi today, coming down Kevin's street at mach speed and making sure to open the gate remotely so that they wouldn't have to wait when they got to the property. Britney and Kevin have taken drastic measures to hide their Jayden from the paparazzi before - could they be up to it again?

- Yesterday, we caught the bodyguard and assistant bringing in several Rubbermaid storage containers as well as a delivery man bringing mysterious gift-wrapped item. There's been a lot of discussion around the office over whether or not the kid-safe containers might be for Sean and Jayden - and we all know kids (and their troubled mothers) like presents...

- Our photographer reports that there were definitely figures in the backseat of Kevin's ride, but we never got to see their faces since the SUV pulled into the garage ASAP. Could these have been the babies' nannies?

Right now all we've got as far as photographic proof are a few shots, but rest assured - we're on the case, and we'll bring you new information as soon as we get it!

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