MLOPEZVEGAS032507_01.jpgMario Lopez MLOPEZVEGAS032507_06.jpgHas Mario Lopez' relationship with Karina Smirnoff gotten the Dancing star in trouble with the Russian mafia? Lopez had booked a club called Polly Esther's in Las Vegas for a party over the weekend, but our sources report that threats from Russian mobsters kept Karina planted on her sweet ass back in Los Angeles out of pure terror. We don't blame her - the Russian mob doesn't play around!

Unfortunately, the same can't be said of Mario, who went out and found himself a new arm charm (an old flame named Crissi Bilings) to take to his party as you can see from the pix below. But wait, it gets worse - according to our source, Mario and Crissi ended up retreating to his room together until three in the afternoon the next day! (And just to confirm Karina's worst suspicions, yes, Crissi gets naked for money - the very next day, our photographer snapped some shots of her writhing on a bed at the Playmates Sleepover!)