Britney Spears BSPEARSBIRTHDAYdance two.jpg

Given how grateful we are to Britney for her generosity over the years, we're always eager to help her career in any way we can. Last week, we received an email from a Britney superfan, and we thought it was such a good idea that we couldn't wait to pass the word along:

All Britney fans show Britney your love and support during her tough times by buying her album "Britney" March 5th-13th! If you can't buy the album call up your local radio station and request some Britney music. Let's bring Britney's music back to life while she going through a life changing time!

So there you have it, Britney fans - if you'd like to send a message to your heroine, now would be the time, and this would be a great way to go about doing it!