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After months and months of waiting, everyone's favorite holiday is just a few days away - that's right, we're talkin' Earth Day! To pay tribute to this momentous annual occasion, we thought we'd post a few pix of some of our favorite treehugging celebrity friends - including a few folks whom you might not expect to catch with their arms around a redwood!

LDICAPRIO052005_05.jpgLeo's such a committed environmentalist that he's made it a policy to fly commercial flights instead of on private jets to save fuel and cut down on pollution - so cross your fingers next time you've got a plane trip in your future!

SHAYEK031907_01.jpgSalma Hayek's always been vocal about saving the world - even before she was bringing another child into it!

NPORTMANPARIS060706_10.jpgNatalie Portman is an avowed earth-lover - and we're all avowed Natalie-lovers!

Salma Hayek MMCCONAUGHEYALVES041407_08.jpgHow could we leave a hippie like Matthew off this list?