Britney Spears BSPEARSDAN042307bus_1.jpg

Britney's tour bus was pulled over by the police just north of San Diego about 45 minutes ago and if you were on X17online, you saw it LIVE! Turns out it was much ado about nothing -- the cops had gotten 911 calls from other motorists complaining that the bus was moving too slowly!

When the bus pulled off the freeway and stopped at a gas station, apparently there were already fans waiting and when the police officer asked how they knew Britney was there, they said they had been watching live!

Some dancers got off the bus and so did Brit's cousin Alli but in 15 minutes, they were all back on board and back on the freeway, headed to San Diego. They're arriving right now so Brit's on schedule for her big performance tonight -- we can't wait!