This girl is non-stop! Check out her schedule yesterday:

11:00 am - recording studio with JR Rotem
1:00 pm - lunch at The Grove's Wood Ranch BBQ & Grill
2:00 pm - shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch
3:00 pm - head home to change clothes
4:00 pm - off to Millenium Dance Studio for rehearsal
8:30 pm - dinner at Shu sushi at Glen Center
9:30 - back home
11:30 - arrive at Teddy's for a little late-night partying (pix and story coming soon!)
11:50 pm - done! off to bed ...

BSpearsLollipop051707%232_1.jpgGettin' her groove on at The Grove

Britney Spears BSpearsVSecret051707_1.jpgHappy after dinner

more pix inside ...

Hey, it was a long day and a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!