PHILTONCAT052407_01.jpgPHILTONCAT052407_09.jpgParis Hilton PHILTONCAT052407_05.jpgScrew the Birdman of Alcatraz - we prefer the Cat Lady of Lynwood! Paris added another pet to her menagerie yesterday, adopting a black kitten at Judy's Pet Depot as a reward for the grueling workout session she'd just endured at the hands of her trainer. Unfortunately, Paris' new feline friend had other ideas, and made a daring escape attempt just a few hours after being incarcerated at the heiress' house! Luckily, the gal pal Paris had brought home from Hyde had quicker reflexes than the kitty, and managed to retrieve it before it disappeared into the night. Hopefully Paris was taking notes - if she can't handle her twenty-three day sentence, she'll need moves like those to bust out!