Posted on Thu May 3rd, 2007 3:04pm PDT By
X17 Staff

That's a serious question, by the way - we haven't seen a socialite refusing to hop off the party train so steadfastly since pre-hab Lindsay! Last night, we caught Rumer as she left a party at the Stoli Hotel (the same one where we caught Paris and James Blunt earlier in the night) before heading over to Teddy's. That makes at least three nights out of the last four that Rumer's spent out clubbing - good heavens, young lady, don't you have school in the morning?

The future spokeslady for Voss?

Ah, to be young again...

All play and no work...
Is there an angry phone call from Bruce Willis waiting in Rumer's answering machine's future? (Somehow I doubt her stepfather's up to the task!)