Posted on Wed Jun 6th, 2007 9:12am PDT By
X17 Staff

The stars of
Ocean's Thirteen, Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Matt Damon left a real impression outside of the Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood yesterday. Before the
premiere of the third (and final?) installment of the
Ocean's series, the threesome left their hand and footprints in the concrete in front of the Hollywood Landmark. Showing how down-to-earth the
Ocean's guys are, the mega-stars broke from the press line to greet their waiting fans - signing autographs and posing for pix for almost fifteen minutes!

He's looking very old-school movie star with the vintage Ray-Bans

Suave and sexy. Sexy and suave.

Just plain gorgeous!

His beard's kinda grey...think he dyes his hair?
Gorgeous, talented and appreciative of the "little people" - can it get any better than that?