GDOURDAN071707_11.jpgGDOURDAN071707_01.jpgGDOURDAN071707_04.jpgGDOURDAN071707_03.jpgGary Dourdan GDOURDAN071707_15.jpgLast night outside of Hyde, CSI's Gary Dourdan violently attacked a paparazzo. According to our photog, Gary showed up after the club was already closed, looking like he was "under the influence of something." Gary asked the paparazzo to stop filming him, and when the photog wouldn't, Gary grabbed the camera and threw the photog to the ground. After the fight, Gary jumped on his bike and headed for the gas station, only to return to the scene immediately, where he attempted to follow the paparazzo.

This is the second time in one week that an innocent photographer was brutally attacked -- the former occurred outside the ESPY awards, where an X17 photog was thrown to the ground, suffering a concussion and broken ribs. It does seem that violence towards the paparazzi, many of whom are simply doing their jobs as any other photojournalists would, is happening more frequently. However inconvenient stars (or, in the case of the X17 photog, bystanders) might find having their photograph taken, there is simply no excuse for this type of behavior.

more pix from the fight inside