BSPEARSPARENTS090807_01.jpgBSPEARSPARENTS090807_03.jpgBritney Spears BSPEARSPARENTS090807_06.jpgBut where's K-Fed? With the custody battle going on, you'd think he might want to be home with the kids... but nope, Kevin is reportedly partying in Vegas! Hmm, now THAT'S ironic. Here's Brit's parents arriving at K-Fed's home this Saturday (in the same car) to take care of the boys, Sean Preston and Jayden James, who have been at Kev's place since Friday at noon.

So, if Federline really wants full custody, why is he going away on the weekend he has visitation?? K-Fed was out of town on Friday and headed to Vegas last night, where sources tell us he had a room booked. We'll keep you posted as to when he finally shows up at his house to be with the kids...