Catherine Zeta-Jones CZETAJONES102007_10.jpgBad news, musical lovers - it looks like Catherine Zeta-Jones won't be dusting off her dancing shoes anytime soon! The Academy-award-winning actress had originally been cast in the role of Claudia in Nine, the big-screen adaptation of the Broadway adaptation of Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 (whew!) - but now the New York Daily News is reporting that she's dropped out following a dispute about the prominence of her role. According to a source, she even went as far as asking director Rob Marshall to ask writer Michael Tolkin to give her a few more lines; Marshall apparently responded that "[Nine is] an ensemble story. It always has been." Sounds like Marshall's got a serious vision for Nine - it must take a big, swinging pair of brass ones to tell an Oscar-winner (for a role in a musical, no less!) that you won't be expanding her part!