Oprah Winfrey OPRAH010908_01.jpg Oprah Winfrey's compassion is known all over the world - but these days, it apparently doesn't reach all the way to Stedman Graham!

The National Enquirer is reporting that the chat-show queen won't be leaving a penny to her ex-partner due to "fears that her wealth would be squandered."

Instead, she's asking that her two billion dollar fortune "be divided among her charities, dogs, and yet-to-be-adopted children".

Steadman won't be playing a part in the adoption of those children, either. A source reports that "there's no talk of her adopting the children with Stedman - this is something she's going to do by herself."

Damn - sounds like Stedman's best shot at scoring loot off Oprah these days might be to sit in her studio audience!