BPITT022308PART2_01.jpgWhat, you thought you were only getting one awards show this weekend?

Well, the stars would beg to differ - last night, everyone turned out to the Independent Spirit Awards!

BPITTREDCARP022308_006.jpgBrad Pitt and Angelina Jolie showed up - and Angelina clearly brought the twins!

CBLANCHETT022308_12.jpgJavier Bardem didn't win anything for his portrayl of Anton Chigurh - but hey, he's got another shot at some statuary tonight!

Brad Pitt CBLANCHETT022308_05.jpg The night's big winner was (get ready for a shock) Juno - in addition to Ellen Page's Best Female Lead award, it also picked up statues for Best Screenplay and Best Picture!

We've got more from the Spirits after the jump - check 'em out!