Axl Rose AROSE092606_02.jpg Loyal Guns N' Roses fans have been waiting for nearly fifteen years for the band to put out their opus Chinese Democracy - but if Dr. Pepper has their way, the wait might have just gotten a little sweeter!

The New York Post reports that the soda company is promising to send a free can of Dr. Pepper to everyone in America if Axl and the boys actually manage to release Chinese Democracy to stores this year. (Well, everyone except estranged GNR guitarists Slash and Buckethead, that is - no, really, that's part of the deal!) (EDIT: Well, it looks like Axl's willing to share - with Buckethead, anyway!)

"It took a little patience for us to perfect Dr Pepper's special mix of 23 ingredients, so we completely understand and empathize with Axl's question for the perfect album," a company spokesman told the Post.

Maybe so - but then again, Dr. Pepper wasn't teasing its fans with promises that the soda would actually be released this year!