Spencer Cheated On Heidi With Another Woman
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2008 3:50pm PDT By X17 Staff

So much for true love!
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt from MTV's The Hills are getting too fake - if that's even possible! Apparently they both sat down to talk to Us Weekly TOGETHER about their crumbling relationship. These two just can't get enough attention!
It seems Spencer may have a girl on the side. "I've definitely been betrayed by friends before, but I've never had a boyfriend do this to me," says Heidi. Yes you have! Haven't you even seen season two of your own show?!
Spencer adds his two cents: "I'm not too happy about a lot of things."
What about that photo op make-out, guys? Togetha 4-eva!
Just another reason why Lauren Conrad can hate Kristin! We really hope she makes a guest appearance in the upcoming season of The Hills!