Having been off in a private room for approximately the last hour, Britney and Kevin have just returned to the courtroom to resume proceedings.

One website reported the hearing had been ongoing but in fact Spears' and Federline's legal teams were meeting privately, outside the courtroom, as X17online reported earlier.

As Britney walked back into court, she was chewing on a coffee stirrer and holding onto her mother's hand.

Kevin Federline was accompanied back into the room by Mark Vincent Kaplan, who was trailed by a cart of legal documents.

The press is still being kept in the hallway due to family code 214, which states: "except as otherwise provided in this code or by court rule, the court may, when it considers it necessary in the interests of justice and the persons involved, direct the trial of any issue of fact joined in a proceeding under this code to be private, and may exclude all persons except the officers of the court, the parties, their witnesses, and counsel."

Stay tuned for more updates!