Christian Bale CBale060808_01_X17.jpg Christian Bale may play a crimefighter in Batman Begins - but in real life, he spent last Sunday turning himself over to police!

The Telegraph reports that the 34-year-old actor turned himself in earlier today in connection with some allegations of assault raised against him. Allegedly, the assault took place Sunday night at the Dorchester Hotel, where Bale is currently staying.

And you'll never guess who the Telegraph claims is behind the charges - Bale's mother and sister!!!

Police were tight-lipped, revealing only that "a 34-year-old man attended a London Police Station on Tuesday by appointment and was arrested in connection with an allegation of assault" before confirming that he's still in custody.

We sure hope these allegations get cleared up quickly - after all, this should be a time of celebration for Christian!

    UPDATE: Christian's attorney, Simon Smith, released the following statement to X17online today:

    "Christian Bale attended a London police station today, on a voluntary basis, in order to assist with an allegation that had been made against him to the police by his mother and sister. Mr. Bale who denies the allegation, co-operated throughout, gave his account in full of the events in question, and has left the station without any charge being made against him by the police. At this time, there will be no further comment by Mr. Bale."