Victoria Beckham VBeckhamFlower0615_117_X17.jpg Archive photo

Victoria Beckham may be known for looking as posh as possible at all times - but a little bird told us she recently got caught in her jammies!

The Daily Mail reports that Vicky was left stranded on the tarmac yesterday when a bird flew into the aircraft's engine (aww!) and caused a fire. "It was really scary when the pilot suddenly slammed on the brakes," a witness told the Sun. "The plane was taxiing down the runway and we were set for take-off. We had no idea what was happening and you immediately fear for the worst."

But for Posh, the nightmare was only just beginning - she'd just changed into her airline-issued pyjamas and taken off all her makeup! Oh, the horror!

Fortunately, Vicky kept her wits about her - the Sun's witness described her as "calm" and reports that she spent most of her time looking tending to Romeo. And, thankfully, the airline graciously allowed her to stay onboard for a quick touch-up while the other passengers were herded back to the terminal before being returning herself.

Thank goodness - as comfy as those pyjamas may have been, that whole scenario sounds like a bad dream!