FDurst082008_01_X17.jpg Holy crap - it is!

We caught Fred buying a new trash can home yesterday afternoon. Can you believe how much he's changed since the Limp Bizkit days? If it weren't for his Yankees cap, we probably wouldn't even have recognized him!

Of course, as wild as Fred's looking these days, he's sounding even crazier! Didja catch his epic appearance on Tom Green's web show back in June? If not, you have to check this out:

WTF, y'all?!? When did Fred turn into Willie Nelson?

Tom Green WRyder082008_01_X17.jpg And speaking of Tom Green, have you heard that he and Winona Ryder might be an item? The National Enquirer claims to have seen the Canadian comic and the sticky-fingered starlet canoodling at Crown Bar last night! Aww, that's cute - looks like Tom won't end up a "Lonely Swedish" after all!