LLohan082108_14_X17.jpgLLohan082108_19_X17.jpg We caught up with Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson on their way in to lunch at the Palm yesterday and couldn't resist asking Lindsay about all the Sapphic allegations Courtenay Semel's been making lately. Lindsay was quick to fire back a definitive "That's not true", throwing in a barbed "Who's that?" for good measure. Damn, Lindsay - guess that answers that question!

Luckily, all the rumor control didn't dampen Lindsay's mood; she and Sam actually looked spectacularly happy all day yesterday. Of course, the paps were providing plenty of entertainment - one crazy pap started telling Lindsay all the details of a sex dream she'd had recently, and another brazenly asked if Lindsay had gotten a tattoo on one of her boobs!

Oh, and take special notice of the shirt Lindsay was jokingly brandishing as she and Sam came out of Filth Mart yesterday:

Lindsay Lohan LLohan082108_29_X17.jpg

Wait a minute - Sam's dad was in Foreigner! Isn't that a cute little getsure? (Well, either that, or Lindsay's an even bigger fan of classic rock than we could have guessed!)