briefsnbible.jpgjustinundies2.jpgunderwear photos courtesy International Jock

Miley Cyrus' new man(?) Justin Gaston may be a wholesome, church-going, country singing Nashville Star, but he first got his start as a hot and hunky underwear model!

X17Online obtained these steamy photos from, where Justin got his start.

According to John Sivers, owner of International Jock, Justin "did seem like a really nice guy, really down to earth." Sivers also found him "a little naive, not very savvy to the ways of the the world yet, because of his age." (He's around 20 now.)

Sivers also tells us that as soon as Justin landed Nashville Star (hosted by Miley's dad Billy Ray), he decided to quit modeling.

That's a big loss for us but a gain for Miley!

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But do you think the 15-year-old Cyrus is really dating the hunk? Or are they just doing bible study together?

Check out the gallery for even more, FULL SIZED sexy pix!