Lindsay & Sam Remember 9/11
Posted on Thu Sep 11th, 2008 10:45am PDT By X17 Staff

Seven years after the horrific events of September 11th, 2001, Lindsay Lohan (who is currently in New York) has taken to her MySpace blog "to remind everybody to take a moment today for those lost in tragedy that occurred on 9/11/01."
(The song on her blog post is John Lennon's "Imagine.")
BFF Samantha Ronson also posted an entry, writing that "seven years later and it feels like just yesterday this city and our worlds were turned upside down... seven years later and I will never forget."
The DJ ends her post with the following: "I don't really know what to say except to all those we lost we will never forget and never take for granted the sacrifices that you made."
Well said.