MCyrus090108_01_X17.jpgMiley Cyrus MCyrus090108_16_X17.jpg We caught up with Miley Cyrus stopping off at Robeks with her mother, and her little sister yesterday afternoon. Believe it or not, all three Cyrus women almost seemed relieved to see the paps, trading jokes about getting lost en route and cheerfully serving up plenty of great photo ops. See? Some Disney moms like us!

And, of course, the photogs showed the Cyrus women plenty of love in return - especially the foreign press! Upon Miley's arrival at the pet grooming boutique, one photographer, claiming to be from Norway, brandished one of Miley's recent appearances on the cover of a Norwegian magazine and begged for a photo with the teen queen. Naturally, Miley was only too happy to oblige - heck, she even broke out her signature peace sign especially for her Norwegian fans! Does this girl know how to be a global icon or what?

Oh, and click through the jump if you want to see Miley's mom flipping us the bird!