David Beckham davidvictoriaseparating.jpg

Well, yes, but only temporarily - depending on which report you read!

The Daily Mail says ...

While David's spending the a few months in Milan to be able to qualify for Britain's World Cup team, Victoria will be staying put in LA with the boys.

The two are said to be planning on meeting up every week or so at their Hertfordshire mansion in England for regular rendezvous.

While the party line is that Posh is staying behind so as not to disrupt the boys' schooling, the real reason, according to the Daily Mail is that Victoria apparently hates Milan and can't stand the thought of returning to the life as a footballer's wife in the city.

Says a source, "they actually have a pretty good marital relationship at the moment, although people would be very surprised if they knew how little time they spend together."

So is Victoria secure enough in her marriage that she wouldn't mind a little separation? Maybe not so much.

According to the paper, "one major worry for Victoria is that, in recent months, her husband has been spending a lot of time in LA's Villa nightclub. Mostly he arrives on his own and meets up with his Galaxy teammates and other showbusiness friends, including the singer Kanye West. Girls swarm all over the group with Beckham being a particular draw - and these are LA girls, who are the most deadly determined of the species."

Well, if he can survive the "deadly determined" girls of Los Angeles, I guess the Italians will be no sweat!

The Daily Mirror says ...

Italy's Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, who also happens to own many of the major media outlets in his country, has reportedly offered Posh about $20 million to host a documentary about her husband's move to the Milan soccer team.

It would be a reality show, of sorts -- cameras would catch the couple arriving, house-hunting, Victoria shopping, etc.

We just hope it's not a redux of her US reality thingy - Coming to America!