David Beckham victoriadavidmarriagepoop.jpg
David Beckham has been leaking his secrets to a sexy and successful marriage to Posh, and it's not exactly what you'd think!

He tells the Sun, "We have quite a lot of pressure, honestly, as a couple. But I think having our children around takes all the pressure away."

Very interesting considering that most couples would find parenting three kids causes more pressure on their marriage, not less, but kudos for them for find relief in their beautiful boys!

David went on to say that the first thing that attracted him to his wife were her "amazing legs."

“She was in the Spice Girls when I first saw her and she used to wear these miniskirts and everyone used to say: ‘Who’s your favorite Spice Girl?’ I’d always say: ‘The one with the bob, the one with the legs. And that was my answer – all because she had these amazing legs.”

Well, that hasn't changed much, especially since she accentuates them with short skirts and towering stillettos!

And thirdly, the Daily Mail reports that the Beckhams keep their skin looking young and glowing with a "Geisha Facial" containing birdsh*t as a main ingredient!

Hey, maybe that sh*t turns some people on!