
Some online reports are calling Vicky and Katie's relationship "frosty," but we're calling BS on that one!

Our photogs in NYC are saying the two families are enjoying their time together in the Big Apple -- having gone to the circus together and out to dinner. In fact, one X17 shooter says,

    "It's obvious the Beckhams came to the City specifically to spend Thanksgiving with Tom and Katie and their family. Even Connor and Isabella [Tom's adopted children] are hanging out with Victoria and David and their kids and it seems like they're having a great time together."

I mean sure, Vicky looks cold, but she's famous for not smiling, right? Nothing new ... and she probably is literally cold, I mean look at that short jacket and those heels!

What I'm finding more impressive than any "frostiness" between the two reigning queens of Hollywood, are Victoria's clothes! Check out this all-black diva look she sported yesterday!

Victoria Beckham TCruiseSuri112708_1.jpg