MadonnaFaceLift.jpgMadonna MadonnaStretched.jpgHas Madonna had a facelift?!?

There's no denying the 50-year-old Madge looks fantastic, but is it just good genes or has the skilled hand of a surgeon been at work here?

A recent New York Magazine article noted Madge's "Mount Rushmore cheekbones, the angular jawline, the smoothed forehead, the plumped skin, the heart-like shape of the face" and called it "the perfect facelift."

Now, neither Madonna, nor her publicist will confirm or deny whether she's had any work done. Although her spokeswoman did say: "I have never represented anyone who has spoken to me about plastic surgery. Nor have I asked them. I don't want to know. Anyone who has had it done, I'm all for it. It's great."

What do you think?