Dita Von Teese ditarussell.jpg

She may have given the Brit funnyman her phone number at the Oscars earlier this year, but now Dita's denying she had any intention of "shagging" the exiled radio host Russell Brand!

"I will not be shagging Russell Brand," Dita said to the Daily Mail on the red carpet of the British Comedy Awards. "Just because I gave him my number does not mean I’ll be going on a date with him."

Russell actually called her on the air of his now defunct BBC radio show, but Dita wisely declined the call.

Russell bragged on-air that the exchange "was very clearly a prelude to some bloody good, tease-ridden burlesque sex. I gave her the interviewing of her life and obviously made quite an impression because she gave me her digits. She couldn't have been more forthcoming."

But apparently not "forthcoming" enough to go out with him!

Whaddya think, is Russell sexy, just dirty, or dirty sexy?