Madonna MadrodNYC.jpgAre Madonna and Alex Rodriguez already looking to shack up?!?

Apparently so, according to Page Six. They're reporting the alleged couple are "discreetly looking at properties" in NYC's super-posh Upper East Side.

"Madonna personally came to look at one house a couple of months ago, and Alex has been looking recently," the source told P6.

These two aren't looking for a small love nest either, they've got their sights set on something a little more grand.

"We're talking about private, double-width mansions in the vicinity of $30 million to $60 million," the source said.

Madge's rep didn't respond to the story, but A-Rod's peeps denied the pair were house hunting.

It would seem that Alex has bigger real estate worries to deal with first. He's still trying to unload his four-bedroom apartment he shared with ex-wife Cynthia. He just dropped the price from $14 Mil down to $10 Mil and he's even will to rent the place out for $50K a month!