Puppies Make It All Better!
Posted on Thu Dec 4th, 2008 11:15am PDT By X17 Staff

Seriously, I bet even Angelina would smile after seeing these pics of Jennifer Aniston on the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly!
To promote her upcoming flick, "Marley & Me," Jennifer posed with some adorable yellow lab puppies (and dogs) and sat down with the magazine to talk about her projects, the paps, her love life and her desire to be a mother.
On her marriage to Brad Pitt:
- " 'The Hollywood fairy-tale romance' - that's what's put onto it. It's Luke and Laura. But if you strip away all of the glitz and the glamour and the headlines - the shock and awe of it - it's just people living their life. Sh*t happens, and it's as normal as any other human being if you take away the headlines. It's just not as interesting without the headlines."
Regarding a nasty piece written about her by the NY Times back in 2006 (and cruel articles in general):
- "It was so venomous. It was like, who f*cking sh*t in her Wheaties? How do these people get the opportunity to just spew sh*t? They don't know anything. You know, career choices - you just do what you do. Not everyone's a winner. Not every episode of Friends was great. Not every guy you choose is great. Just across the board, there's so much expectation."
On Brad's film being released the same day as hers:
- "Oh, you had to go there! I thought we were out of the woods. I want ["The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button"] to do great. I've seen about an hour of it. It's amazing. Amazing."
We told you about the photoshoot a few weeks ago, and while we were pretty sure it was going to be cute, we didn't think it would make us melt like this! It almost makes us genuinely like Jennifer Aniston...