Posted on Tue Dec 23rd, 2008 9:10am PDT By X17 Staff

Of all the touching moments, this smooch on the red carpet of the aftershow party was definitely NOT one of them.
I know the show's not entirely real, but do you really think Heidi and Spencer are that good of actors? Because they seemed like a totally different couple on the aftershow, and no matter how much of a douchebag Spencer is, I really just do not believe he is THAT much of a douchebag to "the love of his life"'s mom. And now that the marriage is officially not legalized, think we can expect a "newlyweds" type show in their future?
Anyways, after this season, I'm over Audrina & Justin Bobby, I'm over Heidi & Spencer, I'm over Lauren's girlfriend drama, I'm definitely over Lo, but I'm ready for the premiere of The City! Hot guys, beautiful clothes and bitchy girls? Sounds like a winning combo to me!
SEE THE GALLERY Heidi And Spencer At The Hills Finale