You Know You Love It: More Of Jen On GMA!
Posted on Thu Dec 18th, 2008 12:00pm PDT By X17 Staff

On GMA this morning, Jen told Robin Roberts that "I don't think i've ever had as much fun on a film as I've had on this one," about her upcoming film, Marley & Me (maybe you've heard of it?)
She then went on to say, "It [her life now] just feels like a great time -- haven't you heard that, when women say, it just gets better? I really believe that to be true. I didn't have half as much fun in my 20s as I'm having now!" Well, I think it helps to be dating someone in their 20s (or just out of their 20s!)
GMA also gave her a down vest for her adorable dog, who, as a Socal boy probably isn't used to the fierce New York winter. And GMA isn't the only one trying to win her over -- apparently Jen's new Beverly Hills neighbors have been extending invites non-stop to the actress. Guess everyone wants to be Jen's Friends!