Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato and several other performers were a huge hit last night at the "Kids' Inaugural: We Are the Future" concert at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Miley sang several songs solo, and for her final number she was accompanied by her dad, Billy Ray. Jamie Foxx sang "America The Beautiful," and stars such as Rosario Dawson and Lucy Liu spoke to the crowd, while Usher recited excerpts from Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.

The Jonas Brothers wrapped up the night by performing "Lovebug," "Tonight," and "Burnin' Up" during which they invited Sasha and Malia Obama onstage. The new first daughters appeared beside themselves with excitement, and Michelle Obama summed it up when she told the crowd, "What an amazing show. You kids are the future of this great nation. At this moment in our nation's history, we wanted you to be able to join in this celebration."