Spencer's Deep Thoughts On Marriage 'N Stuff
Posted on Tue Jan 6th, 2009 9:07am PDT By X17 Staff

Ok, the dumb quote of the day today has to go to Spencer Pratt, who revealed such intelligent, thoughtful insights to In Touch such as:
- "I didn’t even know you have to legalize a wedding.â€Â
I suppose knowing such a thing would imply that one's head usually resides outside of one's ass.
He then went on to eloquently proclaim:
- "We’re going to have a bigger wedding for friends and family. We’ll definitely have it on TV because of the fans and haters.â€Â
Right, for the "fans and haters", not for the $$$ that will come along with having a second "wedding"!
Well said, Spence. Well said.