How Does Ali Imitate Lindsay? Let Us Count The Ways!
Posted on Wed Jan 14th, 2009 5:01pm PDT By X17 Staff

Before she went to dinner with her lady love, Lindsay Lohan spent some quality time with her little sister Ali yesterday afternoon. When the girls made their way into Samantha's house, we couldn't help but notice some of the striking similarities between the two!
1. Ali is starting to dress a LOT like her sister - the black legging and boot ensembles are giving us a serious case of deja vu!
2. We THINK it's permanent marker, but it looks like the 15-year-old is catching the tattoo bug! Lindsay already has several, and we wouldn't be surprised if Ali gets inked one of these days!
3. The expensive bags as accessories - NO DOUBT Ali borrowed her sis' Hermes bag and Lindsay's got the new LV. I like these more than I like the leggings!

SEE THE GALLERY The Other Lohan Girl!