Posted on Wed Jan 28th, 2009 7:50am PDT By X17 Staff
Just when we were thinking we hadn't heard from Michael Lohan in a while, he sent us this literary masterpiece (and at 2:30am his time!). Michael can't seem to make up his mind about Samantha - first he hates her, then he apologizes (kinda), and now it looks like he's back to his old ways. Michael writes:
- Like I said in the past, "if I see or hear of anyone or anything causing harm or is seen as a threat to my children, I will speak about it, and do anything I can to try to intervene regardless of the repricusions [sic] on me."
With that said, after seeing promise and thanking God for Lindsay's freedom from Samantha's bondage, I see now, that since Samantha has once again, weaseled her way back into Lindsay's life, things have taken a dark turn. While I was enthused that Ali was with Lindsay, rather than Samantha, I am torn to see that Samantha has once again manipulated Lindsay into leaving her little sister in LA, only to join Samantha on another DJ gig in Boston. Was this again, a means for Samantha to earn more money through Lindsay's presence? Did Samantha's fee drop so much and so quickly when word got out that they parted ways? Are we so blind? Is Lindsay so blind? I know Dina and my kids aren't because they tell me so. But then again, why does Dina tell me one thing and do another?!
When a mother or father sees their child in turmoil, ( losing wait, not working, and proportadely cutting herself), are we supposed to stand by , remain silent and pretend it isn't happening. or step to the plate, and not care what people think, and do something about it?!
Well, as you can see, I'm not going to sit back and let it slide.
I am asking everyone out their to intervene in every way possible to help Lindsay, and quite possibly, save her life. Help this wonderful, good hearted and gifted young lady to see what Samantha is doing to her and how she is destroying her life.
Help her to see that ever since Samantha came into her life, nothing good has come of it. As a matter of fact, Lindsay hasn't used her gifts like she did before meeting Samantha.
Just LOOK! The proof is there! These aren't just words, but FACT! PLEASE HELP!
What do you make of this? Does Lindsay really need to be "saved"? Is Samantha really the problem? Or is someone/something else the problem?